COVID-19 Response
We hope this message finds you, your families and other loved ones healthy and safe during this tremendous time of change. Like so many other collaboratives and nonprofit organizations, ARCHI remains fully committed to our core mission– improving health outcomes in metro Atlanta, while maintaining our nimble and flexible operations and strategies to best meet the needs of ARCHI partners and the individuals they serve.
This means that while the ARCHI team is working remotely, ARCHI partner alignment groups are meeting virtually with all the ups and downs of technology. ARCHI prototypes are proceeding even if the pace is a little different and the community context is rapidly changing. Every day the relationships, cross sector connections and innovations that ARCHI partners have developed over our eight-year history are proving invaluable as we drive the work forward while pivoting to address the immediate needs of our current situation.
While so much is changing, so many people on the frontlines of our healthcare systems and social service organizations are working overtime and others are suffering from the effects of the virus and/or this dramatic shift in our economy, ARCHI’s core tenets remain true:
Our region has what it takes to solve our health challenges, we need to re-align our resources to ensure that everyone has access to the care and support they need to live healthy and fulfilled lives.
Solutions require collaborations, often across sectors and with unusual partners to find ways to accomplish what was previously thought impossible.
Innovations will need to be tested, rapidly adjusted and tested again as we find new ways of working to achieve new and better outcomes.
The historic inequities that have held individuals, families and our entire community back are more exacerbated in the current situation and must be centered in our short and long-term responses.