ARCHI Selected to Build Data Sharing Capacity through the DASH Mentor Program

ARCHI has been selected by Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH), a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, to participate in a 10-month mentorship program led by 2-1-1 San Diego to advance our local efforts to share and use multi-sector data to improve community health. As a DASH Mentee, we will connect with communities from around the country through All In: Data for Community Health, a peer-to-peer learning network that builds local capacity to systematically combine health data with data from other sectors like education, social services, and housing to acquire a more complete picture of the factors that influence health.

2-1-1 San Diego will guide Mentees that are interested in establishing CIEs, a collective movement and technology platform that shifts how health and social service providers deliver person-centered care. Topics include CIE infrastructure, interoperable technology, community network, legal frameworks, and sustainability.

We hope that our participation in the DASH Mentor Program can help us spread the impact of our innovations within and beyond our community. ARCHI is excited to make meaningful connections with leaders in the field to accelerate learning and make significant progress towards aligning multi-sector partners around data-driven approaches that promote health equity.

To learn more, visit