ARCHI began when a small group joined forces to realign Atlanta’s significant health investments to yield better results. The shared concern was that in a major metro area with world class health resources–why were some residents experience declining health outcomes while employers assume ever increasing health costs?
ARCHI founders knew that it would take much more than healthcare to improve health outcomes–communities, schools, families must be supported to create overall well-being. Organized as a collective impact collaborative ARCHI has been working since 2011 to develop and refine its 28-year strategy, implement community-led change in neighborhoods where health statistics are the worst and address the systemic challenges that create health disparities.

- ARCHI selected to convene on the topic of complex care
- 100th partner joined ARCHI’s 28 year commitment to health in Atlanta
- Completed expansive research on the relationship between race and food access
- Conducting multi-part learning series on the relationship between health and housing for 7 metro health systems
- Honored as United Way’s Place-based Child Well-Being Champion
- Added fourth full time staff person
- Hosted Global to Local Dialogue in partnership with Georgia Global Health Alliance
- Our December 11 breakfast is a milestone because it aligned health systems and payors around a joint action plan to address housing in the Atlanta region

- Launched multi- system collaborative to improve education and address social needs of unmanaged diabetics.
- Secured funding for the design of a value-based health care pilot
- Launched yearlong health equity series that covered:
- The Lasting Impacts of Housing Discrimination on Health in Atlanta;
- Race and Place in Atlanta;
- Rides to Wellness: Transportation and Health Inequities
- Health Equity: The Immigrant and Refugee Experience in Atlanta;
- The Physiology of Health Inequity in Atlanta.
- Worked with residents of Thomasville Heights to conducted extensive health and safety needs assessment.
- Investment by national and local funders in ARCHI’s work increased by 50%.
- Four new members joined the ARCHI Steering Committee.
- ARCHI added two full-time staff
- Awarded SPARCC innovation grant to explore options for healthcare investments in upstream issues.
- Honored as US News and World Report’s Community Health Leader of the Year.

- ARCHI hires first executive director
- Joint CHNA partnership – Kaiser, Grady, Piedmont, Mercy Care, and WellStar – launch joint diabetes implementation project
- Mercy Care partnership with Mercy Housing to develop Mercy Park in Chamblee
- ARCHI chosen to lead mayor’s Value-Based Healthcare Initiative focused on patients with heart failure
- ARCHI works in DeKalb County to launch health leadership series with 15 initial participants
- ARCHI puts health equity at center of its agenda
- ARCHI launches new brand, new website, and larger communications strategy
- DeKalb community assessment for Clarkston, Cross Keys, and Columbia completed
- ARCHI chosen as Health Champion in Atlanta Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge site
- ARCHI completed community health assessment for Lee Street corridor

- ARC, Grady, United Way, and Fulton County complete Collective Impact Study Series with national experts.
- ARCHI membership grows to 80 organizations; ARCHI completes region’s five-system joint community health needs assessment
- Piedmont Healthcare, Grady Health System, and the United Way of Greater Atlanta fund and launch a Community Health Worker student learning program pilot with the Tri-Cities Stewardship Group focused on youth from Tri-Cities
- Stanford Social Innovation Review features ARCHI
- Named HealthConnect South “Collaborative of the Year”
- ARCHI connects Kaiser Permanente and Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation = transformative partnership
- Work to strengthen ARCHI’s communication begins
- Tri-Cities Stewardship Group won award for helping pass East Point pass smoke-free ordinance for public parks.
- PICH work continues with joint focus on increasing physical activity in the school day throughout Fulton County and active living plans and infrastructure in East Point, Sandy Springs, and the City of Atlanta
- ARCHI receives multi-year funding commitment from Kaiser Permanente to support new leadership
- ARCHI partners secure Federal Transit Authority Rides to Wellness grant

- ARCHI assembles cross-sector team to integrate health and community development investments in East Point in as a part of the AHEAD project
- Tri-Cities Stewardship group formed, and 22 community leaders and residents elected to improve health in East Point, College Park, and Hapeville
- ARCHI facilitates alignment with EP farmers market and ARC to expand participation in local farmers market
- ARCHI brings together East Point Parks and Rec Department, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, the owner of DeLowe Village, Project Open Hand, and other community partners to offer onsite services to residents
- ARCHI brings together partners led by Kaiser Permanente to jointly invest in new active living playground equipment for DeLowe Village
- Kaiser Permanente, Piedmont Healthcare, and Grady Health System launch their work on a joint CHNA with ARCHI
- Tri-Cities Stewardship Group launches community conversations
- Legal agreement to support ARCHI is drafted and signed by Atlanta Regional Commission, Georgia Health Policy Center and the United Way
- Fulton County is awarded a Partners in Improving Community Health grant from CDC and ARCHI partners awarded funds to support active living and efforts to curb smoking throughout Fulton County
- An updated version of the ARCHI Playbook is released
- ARC, Grady Health System, United Way of Greater Atlanta, and Fulton County design and launch inter-organization Collective Impact Study Series with national experts

- ARCHI applies for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize and develops video describing the collaborative
- ARCHI steering committee develops bylaws which formalize the operating structure for the committee
- ARCHI launches first community-led health improvement collaborative in Tri-Cities and develops strategy utilizing community-based solutions
- ARCHI selected as one of six Alignment for Health Equity and Development program sites in the country

- ARCHI steering committee drafts the ARCHI partnership agreement and the first 30 organizations sign on as partners
- ARCHI receives first cash contributions
- ARCHI partners complete first version of the Playbook, compiling evidence based and best practices to support 7 priorities of the 28-year strategy
- Steering committee completes six-part, national training on collective impact.
- ARCHI partners submit first joint proposal to Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation for innovations in diabetes care
- United Way of Greater Atlanta launches $3 million Dare to Forget the Box challenge integrating ARCHI priorities into this new innovative funding opportunity
- United Way funds Community Health Workers at Grady Hospital and Federally Qualified Health Centers in support of improved Care Coordination

- The Atlanta Regional Commission, United Way of Greater Atlanta, and Georgia Health Policy Center accept shared leadership role of ARCHI, known as the Executive Trio
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funds the calibration of the ReThink Health systems model for metro Atlanta
- A series of community stakeholder sessions culminate with 70 stakeholders gathering to use the ReThink Health systems model to develop and adopt 28-year strategy named Atlanta Transformation
- Begin to assemble broad stakeholders around critical topics in health systems transformation: systems models to design change, partnerships to support hospital to community transitions, innovations in employer-based healthcare
- Committees meet to lay the foundation for the ARCHI Playbook

- Like-minded individuals and organizations begin to meet to explore new opportunities to improve health in Atlanta
- The Philanthropic Collaborative for a Healthy Georgia convenes key organizations to explore the new Community Health Needs Assessment requirements established in the Affordable Care Act
- Grady begins negotiating 30-year contracts with Fulton and DeKalb counties