Achieving Health and Equity in Georgia: The Landscape of Health Disparities in Georgia – Engaging Communities in Solutions

Residents in Georgia face persistent health equity challenges, some of which are influenced by factors like race, gender, identity, socioeconomic status, and geography. Participants will hear about some of the most common inequities present in Georgia, hear about two efforts focused on engaging communities as a means to achieve equity, and acquire practical strategies to [...]

Achieving Health and Equity in Georgia: Achieving Equity in Behavioral Health

According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, cancer is the second leading cause of death among Georgians and there are clear and persistent disparities in health outcomes associated with cancer screening, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and death. Participants will hear about regional and statewide efforts to achieve equity in cancer outcomes. Series The COVID-19 pandemic [...]

Achieving Health and Equity in Georgia: Achieving Equity in Maternal and Child Health

Outcomes for mothers and their babies in Georgia are historically poor, compared to the nation, and these disparities persist. Participants will hear about what is driving poor outcomes and learn about specific efforts to achieve equity among women and children in the state. Series The COVID-19 pandemic unmasked dramatic disparities, with African Americans and Latinx [...]

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