Health Equity in America: The Past, The Present, and the Future

Join us for a conversation with award-winning journalist Linda Villarosa and Leandris Liburd, Ph.D., CDC’s associate director for minority health and health equity. The pandemic illuminated racial disparities in COVID-19 related deaths, with Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous populations dying at more than double the rates of whites. But, health disparities are not new. From life [...]

Where Atlanta is Now

Since 2013 the Atlanta Regional Commission has led Metro Atlanta Speaks, an annual survey of the thoughts, perspectives and priorities of Atlanta area residents. This year, like so many other things in 2020, the results are different. For the first time race and health were ranked as top community priorities. This year’s survey also revealed [...]

Complex Needs Through a Health Equity Lens: What Can Philanthropy Actually Do?

The health and well-being of those who have faced a lifetime of structural racism are impacted much more strongly than other groups, especially as they age; for example, Black older people are dying from COVID-19 at 3.6 times the rate of older whites. Philanthropy has responded to many immediate needs, but if the system of [...]

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